Work Order Feedback - Web App

Work Order Feedback - Web App

Doing Feedback on Work Orders using the Web App

Doing Feedback on a Work Order or Job Card; is a term use for when the work order has been completed and the details [Tasks completed/ Labor hrs spent/ Parts used/ etc..] of the completed work is recorded/ captured in the Fracttal system.

1. Access Work Orders: To access the Work Orders module in Fracttal, in the main menu sidebar open up Work Management then click on Work Orders:

2 Click Edit Button
2.1 In the Open WO's column; click on the Edit Icon on the work order you want to do feedback on

3. In the Complete Work Order screen click on the Complete Task Icon

4. Capture Job Time

4.1 Record the actual start and end date and time as per job card
4.2 Click Next to continue

5. Capture Sub-Task details
The way the Sub-Task is displayed here is determined by what kind of Task Type [Meter Reading/ Text/ General/ Inspection/ etc.] was chosen when creating each sub-task

5.1 Text sub-task: in this type of sub-task written feedback is required/ possible
5.2 Yes/No sub-task: in this type of sub-task select the relevant response; these are normally for inspection type tasks
5.3 Geo location sub-task: can be used on mobile devices to capture current geo location
5.4 Number sub-task: used to capture numeric feedback
5.5 Meter Reading sub-task: In this type of sub-task a field is provided for the user to capture a meter reading; these are meter reading type tasks
5.6 Verification sub-task: used for inspection type tasks and to indicate a pass, fail or flag 

Click Finish to complete 

6. Capture Resources: Confirm if resources such as material and labor are correctly captured against the job
6.1 To start click the Resources icon
the green tick confirms that the sub-tasks have been captured, the next step will be to capture and confirm the resources

6.2 Fill in the Real Amount Used for all your resources items by clicking on the cell and changing the value [Note this will Not influence the stock in stores, the stock in stores are only influence by Outgoing and Incoming stock as managed in the Warehouse Module] You can activate the parts auto consumption rule in the workflow engine should you prefer items be automatically consumed out of stock when a work order is completed.

If more resources where used that where not planned then you can add it by clicking the +Add Resource button
Click Save to complete

7. Complete the Work Order by hiiting Save top right of window

7.1 Once the Work Management section has been completed you will notice that the %Completion and Actual Task Duration have been updated. Add Notes if you prefer or click Save complete the Feedback on the work order

7.2 An Alert screen will pop up, select Yes to move this work order from the Open WO's to the Review/ Completed WO's section
Click No if the job and or feedback is not yet completed; for example you still have to capture some resources on the job 

7.3 in the Work Orders screen you will notice that the work order has now moved from the Open to the Completed WO's column

8. Close the Work Order:
8.1 The work order is now in the Under Review state, allowing users with the proper assigned roles/ rights to review the feedback on the work order
8.2 To review the work order, click on the Edit/ Review icon

8.3 Add notes to the work order, rate the job out of 5, when done hit save

8.4 Finally to close the work order simply drag and drop the work order tile from the Complete to the Closed WO's column.

8.5 Click Yes on the confirmation pop-up screen

Only Close the work order if it has been fully reviewed and signed off as this operation is irreversible

The work order has now been Captured, Completed, Reviewed and finally Closed

Related Article

Also view: 
Creating Unplanned Work Orders from Requests

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