Adding Equipment

Adding Equipment

Equipment Register

The Equipment Register houses All your Maintenance Significant Items [MSI] and Non MSI's in the Fracttal database. with a record of information about each item of plant, machinery and equipment employed by the organisation .
Typically a equipment register will include details of the  of the particular item such as  its; name, description, make, model, serial number, supplier, purchase date and cost; its location; its parts and supplies requirements; any special operating considerations, such as safety features and breakdown implications etc..

If you prefer to look at a video of how to add equipment to Fracttal - Click here >

If you would like to see more detail on Navigating the Equipment Register - Click here >

1. Navigate to Register

Access the equipment register in your Fracttal instance by selecting the Equipment tab under the Assets menu in the main menu side bar:

2. Adding Equipment to the Equipment Register

2.1 Add: With the equipment register open, click on the green +Add button top right of the window

3. Add Equipment Detail

3.1. Add equipment detail such as the name of the item, the manufacturer, model, serial number etc.

3.2. Fracttal automatically generates a QR code for every item created in the system. The QR code is used by the along with the Fracttal mobile application to quickly as easily find the equipment item by scanning the QR code with the mobile app.

3.3. Prioritise your equipment by assigning a High, Low, Medium priority level to your equipment. This is important not just from a reporting perspective but also when planning your maintenance activities by allowing you to assign resources to more critical items when your resources are under load

3.4. Assign your equipment to a specific asset type/ family and then use the additional grouping mechanisms built into Fracttal to further differentiate this equipment items in that specific asset type/ family grouping

3.5. Specify the supplier of this equipment item as well as the purchase date

3.6. Add this equipment item to a specific location or site here. If the equipment item is a child of another asset, then you can specify this by adding the parent asset here

3.7. Specify the average daily use or running hours of this equipment item. It will default to 24 hours if not specified

3.8. By checking this box, this equipment item will be visible to all users irrespective if the equipment has been made inactive or not if left unchecked and made inactive, only admin users will be able to see this item in the register

3.9. Add any additional notes/ comments associated with this equipment item here

3.10. Here you can add an image of the equipment item. *Note: must be in JPEG/ PNG format

3.11. Navigate through the various other tabs associated with this equipment item and add any additional or necessary data and information you would like recorded in the system


Remember to check out the quick start video here >

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